Teen Counseling in San Jose

Hi, I'm Nicole and I'm a teen counselor in San Jose

You may be feeling disconnected from your teen, worried about your teen or frustrated that you feel like you don’t recognize them and their behavior anymore. I understand, and I’m here to help.

I help teens process through and navigate the roller coaster of emotions they feel day in and day out (yes that includes the drama with friends and navigating their first crushes), build self esteem, develop coping skills to manage stressors and help them learn ways to communicate their needs and feelings in a way that elicits support from their friends and family.

If your teen is ready to start feeling better and you are ready to help them thrive, schedule a complimentary consultation with me, your teen counselor in San Jose, today!

My Approach to Teen Counseling in San Jose

Being a teenager can just be straight up hard sometimes. And being a parent to a teenager can be extremely challenging too, I see you! There’s drama and pressure with school, stress of living up to expectations of everyone, and not to mention all the things that come with social media-good, bad and otherwise. All while living through one of the most influential and important developmental stages of life where your teen is just finally starting to become their own person and create their own identity and feel some sort of independence for the first time! Trust me, this period is hard for parents too, you finally just figured out your teen and then…bam…they switch it up on you again, I see you, you're not alone in this. 

Teens often experience constant back and forth with wanting to make decisions on their own and still wanting and needing guidance and emotional support from their parents, you. Teens are learning and growing, most of the things they are learning to do might be for the first time. There’s new school expectations and pressures, new social expectations and pressures and for the first time they probably have new responsibilities like driving themselves to school or learning to balance their time between school, extracurricular activities, a job and their social lives. Teens' social lives are often the heartbeat of everything and sometimes they just don’t feel like their parents get it. Or maybe their parent’s response is to dismiss the social issues and prioritize school. I get why, you want your teen to succeed. But if we miss out on helping our teens work through their emotions as it relates to friends, dating and in general fitting in at this age, we miss an opportunity for connection. 

As a teen counselor, I remember how lonely it felt at times being a teen and how difficult it was to manage all the new responsibilities while trying my best to be as independent as possible from my parents. 

In teen counseling, I make it a priority to build connection with your teen and meet them where they are at in their adjustment to teenage life and all that it brings. Teen counseling isn’t only for those teens with severe mental health issues (like severe depression, severe anxiety, or even trauma), it’s also a safe place to talk through all the things they’re managing day in and day out and all the pressures that come with being a teenager today.

In teen counseling, I help your teen work on identifying and cultivating healthy relationships,  learn and practice healthy coping skills like how to deal with their anger and frustration when something doesn’t go their way. Your teen will learn skills to manage their time and increasing responsibilities. And most importantly your teen will learn how to communicate their needs and feelings more openly and effectively with you so that you can support them and reestablish a connection that meets their needs and age. In teen counseling we will also explore your teen’s self esteem to help them grow into the person you know they can be. But most importantly, my biggest goal in teen counseling is for your teen to have a positive experience so that if they are looking for support later in their life, they feel comfortable asking for help. 

Imagine your teen feeling more confident about themselves and thriving. I know you want that for them, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. Teen counseling is a good way to invest in your teen, their potential, their strengths and ultimately your relationship of trust with them. 

If you feel like this is what your teen needs and you're ready to invest in your teen, contact me, your teen counselor in San Jose, today for a free consultation. 

Teen Therapy FAQs

  • Teen counseling is for those who are 13-19 years old and is intended to help teens process the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are impacting them most in any area of their lives. Teen counseling is a safe space to process challenges with parents, social anxiety or other social stressors and demands of school. Teen counseling is about helping teens figure out who they are and who they want to be in their own eyes, outside of everyone else’s expectations of them. Teen counseling is intended to help teens learn skills now that will help them in the the rest of their lives especially in meeting their future goals.

  • Teenagers come to therapy for different reasons but here are some common issues or problems I can support your teen with:



    Social anxiety

    Perfectionism and high achievement

    Navigating relationship issues

    Life changes and life transitions

    Body image

    Self esteem and self confidence

    Conflicts with parents

    Stress management

    Social media and comparing self


    Fostering independence and critical thinking

  • Here are some signs your teen could benefit from meeting with a teen counselor one on one. You're noticing your teen is:

    Displaying increased anxiety over things that you consider “normal’ stresses.

    Isolating from you and your family or their friends

    Difficulty making friends

    Struggling more than normal in school or sudden change in academic performance

    Avoiding or refusing to go to school

    Withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed

    Changes in appetite or sleeping patterns

    Engaging in self harm behaviors (like cutting or scratching, etc) or expressing suicidal thoughts

    Changes in overall in body image and self confidence

  • Talk to your teen first about the concerns or signs you are observing. It’s important to discuss this with your teen before first just signing them up for something they don’t understand, don’t feel they need or don’t want. Educate yourself and your teen about what teen counseling is and what it can help with to reduce the stigma still associated with teen counseling. Helping your teen understand that teen counseling is confidential and *most* things will not be shared with you their parent unless their immediate well being and safety are at risk. Lastly, involve your teen in the process of finding a therapist that they can find connection with. The therapeutic relationship is one of the number one indicators of success in therapy. Cultivate and foster your teen’s independence by including them in this personal decision.

Get Help 

from a Teen Counselor In San Jose today!

Are you ready to invest in your teen’s well being and to include them in the process of finding a teen counselor that they will feel is a good fit for them? Schedule a free consultation today with me, your teen counselor in San Jose, to start the process and help them get a feel for who I am and if I’m right for them.